4 New Pandemic Inspired Healthcare Jobs
The Covid-19 pandemic has changed our way of life in many ways. This especially holds true for the world’s healthcare system and ours here in the U.S. Advancements in tech and healthcare processes have come at a light-speed rate compared to the months or even years that we would normally see them take effect. Consider it ‘accelerated evolution’. The pandemic has created a new bridge between healthcare systems and the technology industry. The relationship between both industries is forever changed. With this newfound association, new jobs and career paths have and will develop.
Let’s look at 4 new jobs that have embrace both technology and healthcare.
- Epigenetic Counselling
The idea of epigenetic therapy is to stay away from killing the cell. Instead, you try to change the instructions of the cancer cells. Epigenetic therapy is the use of drugs or other epigenome-influencing techniques to treat medical conditions. Epigenetic therapy offers a potential way to influence those pathways directly.
Genetic counsellors inform patients about the genetic means of a disorder and provides risk assessment. They also educate and support individuals and families at risk of, or diagnosed with, a variety of inherited conditions. As science advances, it’s predicted that this role will evolve, giving rise to a completely new breed of counsellors who deal not just with DNA sequences, but also the “epigenetics” involved.
- Virtual Reality Medical Programmer
Medical professionals could use VR, for example, to explain a medical procedure to a patient, helping them to make a more educated decision and feel calmer about an upcoming operation. VR can also help to educate patients about the health impacts of their daily lifestyle choices and improve preventative care.
As the Virtual Reality industry evolves, we’ll see more career opportunities for those with a medical background or VR production skill. Physicians already use virtual technology for a variety of medical procedures, including cancer treatment, by creating interactive maps of tumors; and physical therapy, by having patients play games that encourage movement.
- 3D Printing Specialist
Medical devices that are printed at the point of care include patient-matched anatomical models, prosthetics, and surgical guides, which are tools that help guide surgeons on where to cut during an operation. 3D printing has been used to produce hearing aids, replacement limbs, surgical implants, and detailed models of organs, bones, and blood cells. The use of 3D printing in surgical planning and preparation is one of the most popular areas for this technology.
- Virtual Hospital Managers
Virtual care is a broad term that encompasses all the ways healthcare providers remotely interact with their patients. In addition to treating patients via telemedicine, providers may use live video, audio, and instant messaging to communicate with their patients remotely. Virtual Hospitals manage patients digitally via telehealth-based approaches. Online-enabled tools allow doctors to perform medical exams and view test results in record time. As virtual hospitals grow and popularity, they will need dedicated managers who are experienced in delivering virtual care in the same way we need real-life hospital managers.
As the pandemic rolls on the above-mentioned jobs will continue to grow in importance while other jobs yet to be imagined will surface. The healthcare industry was already seeing record growth prior to the pandemic and adding a partnership with tech has only accelerated that growth.