Why Networking Can Be Your Key to Finding Your Dream Job in Healthcare
Some people love to network, but most people – even extroverted ones – cringe at the thought of networking, particularly when the goal of networking is to find a job in the short-term. Even for the least socially awkward among us, meeting new people with the intent of figuring out how they may be able to help you get a job can be anxiety provoking. Here are the 3 main reasons you should push through and make networking a normal part of your life if you are interested in a career in healthcare.
- Most jobs are landed through personal contacts. It turns out that between 60% and 90% of jobs have been landed through personal contacts including friends and relatives. Ideally, people you are already close to or who are already in your network can help you find the job you seek. You should talk to people about your job search, even if they are not in your industry, as you never know who may have a lead for you.
In addition to friends and family, classmates, previous employers, and other acquaintances in your network may be helpful. The more people you know, the more potential there is that someone will have an idea for where you could fit well. Networking expands your contacts and can be done in a targeted way to include people who are more likely to know people in positions that are relevant for the types of jobs you may want.
- There are many employment needs that are not advertised. If you limit yourself to jobs that are advertised, you are missing a lot of opportunity. If people in your network have an idea for an organization where you may provide value, their contact with someone there may spur an interview for a job that has not yet been well-defined or posted. Having a solid network of people who understand your value can also mean that when they hear someone mention needing someone who does what you do, they will immediately recognize that making a connection is likely to be mutually beneficial.
- It can save an enormous amount of time. Applying to jobs is incredibly time consuming. Putting together resumes, cover letters, and additional materials that are required for specific jobs takes time. In addition, finding references or having letters written on your behalf can put you in a position to have to rely on others’ schedules to complete your applications. If instead, you get to the interview stage because someone in your network has recommended you, you can save loads of time and likely skip many of the time-consuming formalities associated with applying for jobs.
Takeaway: If you are looking for a job in healthcare, networking may be the key to finding the perfect fit and to finding it fast. Most jobs are filled with people who are somehow personally connected to the relevant organization through contacts, so it’s important to ensure that you have a broad network of contacts who understand what you do. With this type of network, others can be part of your job search process, even without putting in a lot of effort.
3 reasons you need to network to land your dream healthcare job:
- Most jobs are landed through personal contacts
- There are many employment needs that are not advertised
- It can save an enormous amount of time